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The ACTS Youth Group

Active Christian Teens Serving

Jesus Christ And Each Other.

  Brother Jeremy Tyler
  Sister Tabitha Tyler

Praise the LORD!


We have a diverse youth group with a passion to live for Jesus. 


There are many things this world has to offer, with both the good and bad contending for the attention of our youth. If we aren't careful, regret, pain, and heartache can plague the minds of our youth.


Our goal is to create an atmosphere where youth can feel safe, loved, and encouraged, thus, enabling them to thrive in life. This can be accomplished through assisting them in creating a firm foundation, which is a relationship with Jesus Christ.


We meet every Tuesday night for "Teen Time" and every other Friday for Youth Service to address relevant topics which affect today's youth.


Come Join Brother & Sister Tyler and be a part of our youth group family.  


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