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The Granary Church
Pentecostal in Experience
Apostolic in Doctrine
Pastor: Jake Dodge
Pastor's wife: Heather Dodge
>> Christian Bible Studies <<
Adult Bible Studies
We teach various topical Bible Studies depending on your interests. These Bible Studies are at a place of your convenience.
Youth Bible Studies
We teach various Bible Studies focused on foundational Biblical principles and dilemmas our youth face today.
A warm and comfortable atmosphere
The Bible Studies can be presented at a local Church, cafe, or the convinience of your own home.
Call today to setup your Bible Study: (360) 813-5505
>> JOIN US <<
It's hard sometimes to ask complicated questions in a crowd without feeling intimidated. Often we hold onto those questions without finding the answers because of fear.
We can put you in contact with a Minister that can help answer those complex questions. The foundation of all Bible Studies offered is the Bible, which is a "light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet."
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
Have complex questions?
Looking for simple answers?
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